Carrageenan, polysaccharides extracted from red algae (Rhodophyceae), are part of the plant’s structural elements, filling the voids within the cellulose structure.
With a history dating back to ancient times, carrageenan has been utilized as a versatile natural thickener and stabilizer in both food and non-food systems. Its unique properties enable it to play a pivotal role in achieving the desired texture profile in various end products.
Main Functionalities

Water Retention

Particle Suspension


Gel at room T°

Hydrocolloids Synergy

Any texture you like!
Carra™ Gel
The CarraGel product range is able to form gel either in water or milk systems, delivering high gel strength and syneresis control.

CarraSol products have been specially designed to provide consistency and stability to the end product. Within this wide range of products, you might are likely to find the right solution for your final product.

CarraLact products benefit from having a high reactivity with milk protein, ideal for use in dairy applications. By small adjustments in dosage, you are able to achieve a broad spectrum of texture with this product. If creaminess is what you are looking for, CarraLact is what you need!